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Parlor Shine

September 26, 2017

On the surface, Parlor Shine is a gangster adventure taking place throughout the 1920s and 1930s. However, beneath the surface is a real and grounded story of love, family, and moral dilemmas. Aaden Briley, an only child whose mother died young and father went to prison, finds himself working for one of the biggest bootleggers in the country. Lucille Rae hosts parties for the elite and powerful in her Helena, Montana mansion, serving illicit whiskey smuggled from Canada. Aaden is just a driver, but soon gets promoted and learns of the mysterious and exclusive Parlor Shine, Lucille’s own homemade hooch. While the mystique draws him in, the power holds him down. When clients start getting murdered, he must work to find the culprit. In the process, though, he uncovers the dark secrets of Lucille’s legacy, as well as the dark secrets of his own life.


Perfect Ashes

May 15, 2017

A very peculiar thing happens when something perfect turns to ash. In the blink of an eye, the world that we know and love has been destroyed. What was once the vibrant and advanced island of Manhattan is now a desolate wasteland decorated with the ruins of skyscrapers and littered with survivors. A man searches the apocalyptic city for a loved one, experiencing life in a new, dark society that is much different than the one he remembers. He quickly learns that there is a big difference between living and surviving. Moral dilemmas and existential crises prove to be prominent themes in this world as he discovers that the very building blocks of society and culture are gone. We do not know who he is looking for, and he does not know who he will find. This short story tells a dark tale of a future that we are never that far away from, with an important moral and political message.


Just Beneath the Surface: The Works of Travis Ketzak Featuring Articles Previously Published in The Good Men Project

September 21, 2015

An assassin struggles with the concepts of right and wrong while fighting for his life. A young man traverses the world, searching for himself. A detective and a criminal discover similarities in their lives. George Washington's crossing of the Delaware river proves to be a challenge for multiple reasons. A man with inner turmoil struggles to survive both mentally and physically as he is stranded at sea. This is the first collection by Travis Ketzak. There is mystery, crime, love, and adventure within these pages, along with life lessons and advice. Between the stories are articles that originally appeared in The Good Men Project, the conversation no one else is having.


Of All the Money

December 6, 2014

One of the largest bank robberies in history serves as a backdrop for a tale of love and friendship. Ryan and Chloe fell in love in high school, and their love only grew stronger with the passing of time. However, when an old friend brings them to Brazil to help rob the central bank branch in Fortaleza, their relationship experiences the ultimate test of endurance. Their seemingly picture-perfect life together becomes a struggle for survival as the dark underworld of crime tries to consume them entirely. Bloodshed and corruption ensue as they fight their way through the aftermath of the record-breaking bank heist.

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